The AFC Plant Point Challenge: We challenge you to add more plants to your diet and remove processed food. Below are the guideline and resources to play!! We have borrowed and adapted ‘Plant Points’ from Fiber Fueled by Dr. Will Bulsiewicz - please check out the book, it is a wealth of information.

Plant Point Guidelines:

·       Tally one point for each serving of each plant you have per meal (use the Plant Point Tracker to keep track). 

·       Add 3 points, per day, each time you do any of these wellness activities: have NO (1) processed food, (2) added sugar, (3) dairy, (4) alcohol for the entire day; (5) Do 5-10min of meditation/breathing; (6) Get 7+ hours of sleep; (7) Stop eating at 8pm; (8) Move for 20min

·       Add up your points per day and then for the week

·       See the example day on the bulletin board or on the AFC website

Play the Plant Point Challenge:

·       Record your weekly total on the Studio Chart and collect a STAR!!!

·       98 Plant Points per week (10 per day) = Blue Star

·       140 Plant Points per week (18 per day) = Silver Star

·       196+ Plant Points per week (25 per day) = Gold Star

·       A Good Goal: 12 - 16 PP per day and 6 Wellness points per day

Cheat Sheet
Plant Point Tracker

Example Day - How to Track Points

Weekly Guide to Adding in Plants

Guide to Recognizing Processed Food

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